wisdom + curiosity episodes

Finn and his Mom explore as many of the lessons life has in store for all of us as possible.

Join us for these topics (and more) as we invite our friends and family to share what they’ve learned as we all get curious about the other people in the world and the ways that LIFE is being lived all around us.

  • Finn’s mom interviews him about what it’s like to be a kid.

  • Inviting Equal Voices, Establishing Roles, & Making Agreements.

    Finn and his Mom discuss how they make room for open discussion and new ideas while balancing the hierarchy and responsibilities within the family unit. Even though everyone can have their voices heard, it doesn’t mean you won’t get outranked or outvoted.

  • Reducing Stress & Tension by Knowing When to ask the question.

    Finn and his Mom discuss the perspective that Family Units, in their many beautiful forms, are a “Living System” that requires care, nurturing, and evolves together. Prioritizing patience, understanding, and using curiosity to strengthen connection in your community.

  • Prioritizing play and quality time reminds us not to take life too seriously.

  • Finn and his Mom discuss their experience owning and operating a full-service restaurant during the 2020 COVID Pandemic, the lost we experienced when they had to close the restaurant, and the incredible experiences they had along the way.

  • Finn and his Mom discuss the importance of making the extra effort to make sure people feel seen and valued for who they are. We believe that creating an environment that honors each individual for exactly who they are and amplifying the voices of those who, for whatever reason, aren’t able to speak for themselves.

We’ll be the judge of that…

With the help of their Producer, Kamira, Finn and his Mom share & facilitate lighthearted discussions about whatever random subjects feel relevant to them in the moment.

They have no intention of taking this type of episode too seriously so we invite you to come prepared to laugh, tease, debate, make stuff up, and laugh some more.

Finn’s Mom will find some way to give us all some sort of “lesson,” no doubt.

  • Finn and his Mom invite some of their closest friends to discuss EVERYTHING Barbie (and Ken, I guess) - from Oscar Noms to Weird Barbie to Allan to the Patriarchy (Horses) we won’t being shying away from the hard topics!

  • Finn and his Mom walk aimlessly through a conversation about the obvious, everyday concepts from the best shows on tv in an era when the only chance to catch the next episode was either a single, specific hour in time, or a few years later on DVD, still apply today.

    We’re very excited to share this episode with you, it’s a silly one. Join the conversation where we explore the following questions together

    And remember, where we’re going, we don’t need roads...

    Why do 90’s sitcoms have laugh tracks?

    Where did the term “re-gifting” come from?

    What’s so special about a bunch of twenty-something’s hanging around a coffee shop all day? and why is he wearing all those clothes?

    What makes Raymond so likable?

    What was the smell in that taxi?

    ...what is a taxi?

  • Finn and his Mom discuss their favorite Disney Movies. From the inspirational masterpieces to the more problematic pieces, they dive into the culture of Disney, their shared experiences watching movies, collecting figurines, and their trips to Disneyland.

  • Finn and his Mom tackle one of their favorite subjects: CONSPIRACY THEORIES! Join them as they embark in playful debate to see how much they each know and believe conspiracies like Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, The Titanic, Flat Earth, The Sphinx, and more.

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